Two man whiteboarding


Generate Successful Media Plans with Tatari’s AI-Powered Planning Engine

Generate Successful Media Plans with Tatari’s AI-Powered Planning Engine

Our AI-powered Planning Engine tool helps brands and agencies build TV media plans with unprecedented speed, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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4 Critical Capabilities for Indie Agencies Adding TV

4 Critical Capabilities for Indie Agencies Adding TV

To stay competitive, indie agencies must focus on four key capabilities: convergent TV strategies, AI for media planning and measurement, advanced measurement techniques, and seizing opportunities for direct media execution.

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The Reality of AI Investment: Lessons from Tatari's Approach

The Reality of AI Investment: Lessons from Tatari's Approach

Tatari's strategic approach to leveraging AI across its TV advertising tools is a fundamental component of our business model, enabling significant growth and market expansion.

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Automating the Creative Upload Process For TV Advertising

Automating the Creative Upload Process For TV Advertising

Marketers can now directly upload creative assets to Tatari’s platform and manage them from one central location for air on linear TV or streaming platforms.

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Everybody loves bonus spots, but only Tatari gives them love back.

Everybody loves bonus spots, but only Tatari gives them love back.

We will explore what bonus spots are, how they are awarded, when & where they will air, and most importantly- why they should be measured.

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Choosing between local and national advertising

Choosing between local and national advertising

While local spot costs are indeed less expensive than national buys, the number of local impressions aired is much smaller.

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Measuring the delayed response of a TV campaign

Measuring the delayed response of a TV campaign

A good TV campaign should aim to measure both the direct response and brand impact. We measure the relationship between the two via what we like to call the "DragFactor."

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