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Aroma360's TV Advertising Journey: From Social Media to Prime Time Success

Paul Hutchison, Director of Client Services at Tatari, recently interviewed Silsila Niazi, Chief Marketing Officer at Aroma360, at the GROW NY Summer 2024 conference. Aroma360, known for its home and business scenting solutions, including diffusers, oils, and candles, serves over 1.8 million customers and has early revenue of $200 million. They discussed how TV advertising with Tatari has positively impacted Aroma360’s growth.

Adding TV into the marketing mix

Before venturing into TV advertising, Aroma360 focused its marketing efforts on paid social and search. As their audience grew saturated and results declined, they needed a new approach. TV advertising emerged as a promising solution, offering access to a fresh audience, enhancing brand credibility, and providing a cost-effective entry point with notably strong returns on CPA and ROAS.

Aroma360’s TV advertising goals

The move to TV advertising was driven by several strategic goals:

1. Reach a Broader Audience: Social media channels, while effective, predominantly attracted a younger audience. TV offered the opportunity to engage with a wider demographic and enhance brand visibility.

2. Enhance Brand Legitimacy: As Silsila from Aroma360 put it, "anybody can do social media, but TV allowed us to build legitimacy." TV advertising provided a sense of trust and credibility that digital channels struggled to match.

3. Improve Performance Metrics: TV advertising promised to lower Customer Acquisition Costs (CPA) and deliver better Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

Pilot process and journey with Tatari

Embarking on TV advertising didn’t require a hefty budget. Aroma360 initiated their TV journey with a pilot approach, leveraging Tatari's platform for guidance and efficiency.

  • Linear TV Pilot: A four-week pilot with a budget of $14,000 to $15,000 allowed Aroma360 to assess the potential of linear TV. Tatari’s platform provided insights into demographics and media planning, simplifying the process for the brand.

  • Streaming TV Pilot: Similarly, a four-week pilot with a $4,000 to $5,000 budget helped Aroma360 gauge the effectiveness of streaming TV. This approach proved particularly accessible for Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands.

Tatari streamlines the process. Crafting a linear TV plan might seem overwhelming, but our platform offers a digital-like experience that’s intuitive for those used to social or digital advertising. We equip you with tools to test and refine your strategies, focusing on key metrics like CPA and ROAS that matter most to your brand.

Recent wins for Aroma360

An exciting moment for Aroma360 was immediately after their first linear TV advertisement aired. They strategically secured a notable placement on Shark Tank, which immediately brought 17,000 unique visitors to their website and drastically lowered CPA by 80%.

Aroma360 effectively integrated retargeting strategies across TV and streaming platforms, segmenting customers into four distinct groups based on their last website visit. This approach led to a 30% reduction in CPA and a doubling of ROAS. Silsila emphasized that all marketers should explore retargeting, especially on TV, as it significantly enhances the purchase funnel. 

Aroma360 effectively used Online Video (OLV) on across devices, with mid-roll and pre-roll ads following their "Shark Tank" appearance. This strategy reduced their CPV to under $2.50 and boosted revenue. Silsila confirmed their continued use of OLV due to its ongoing positive impact on financial performance.

Tatari supports this strategy with its outcome-focused measurement tools, which provide immediate and delayed response data. The platform allows for detailed tracking from ad impressions to site visits and purchases, linking these activities to revenue. By leveraging Tatari's robust analytics, brands can optimize their campaigns for improved efficiency and results.

Creative strategies that resonated

Aroma360’s creative approach significantly contributed to their TV advertising success. By placing their car diffuser ads on targeted channels like “Motor Trends,” they achieved a notable reduction in CPA, showcasing the power of contextual relevance in enhancing TV ad effectiveness. Additionally, for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, they strategically repurposed top-performing creatives with tailored callouts, resulting in impressive returns without the need for new creative assets.

Key takeaway from Aroma360

By embracing TV, Aroma360 not only expanded their reach and built brand legitimacy but also optimized their marketing performance through targeted strategies and creative execution.

The journey from digital-only marketing to incorporating TV highlights the importance of diversifying channels and leveraging new opportunities to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. For brands considering a similar shift, the key takeaway is clear: with the right approach and tools, TV advertising can deliver remarkable results and elevate your brand's impact.

Hooman Headshot

Hooman Javidan Nejad

I’m Director of Growth Marketing at Tatari and I’ve mastered the art of baking artisan sourdough bread.


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