Two man whiteboarding


Moving Away from MTA and Toward a Better Model of TV Measurement

Moving Away from MTA and Toward a Better Model of TV Measurement

We discuss the complexities of TV measurement, highlighting flaws in approaches like Verified Attribution and advocating for a nuanced blend of methods, emphasizing the importance of embracing complexity in advertising attribution.

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Attribution Methodologies for the Modern Marketer

Attribution Methodologies for the Modern Marketer

Tatari developed a view-through attribution metric designed, and optimized, solely for TV using TV-specific device graph data and proprietary methodologies.

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Why Surveys Might Be Skewing Your Attribution

Why Surveys Might Be Skewing Your Attribution

No matter how meticulously a survey is crafted, it will always inherently be prone to error. Learn how Tatari solves this problem with a highly accurate mechanism for estimating TV lift.

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Why Standard TV Attribution Assumptions Are Doing Your Campaign a Disservice

Why Standard TV Attribution Assumptions Are Doing Your Campaign a Disservice

TV ads produce a significant delayed response that traditional attribution models don't always capture. To accurately measure the delayed responses of a linear or streaming TV ad, advertisers need to consider these three things.

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Doubling Down on 1P Data for TV Advertising

Doubling Down on 1P Data for TV Advertising

We recently rolled out a new pixel technology named “Tatari Tag Manager” (TTM) that offers stronger attribution of TV campaigns, alongside increased data flexibility and transparency.

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Video: Understanding linear TV measurement

Video: Understanding linear TV measurement

Even though linear TV has been around much longer than streaming, deterministic attribution is typically more difficult. Here is a short video that walks you through our measurement of linear TV.

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Tatari + AppsFlyer: Understand TV advertising impact on mobile installs

Tatari + AppsFlyer: Understand TV advertising impact on mobile installs

Tatari has built an integration with AppsFlyer to ingest mobile attribution data, such as how many people downloaded the app, signed up for an account and made an in-app purchase.

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Tatari and Rockerbox Bring TV Data & Analytics to Marketing Attribution

Tatari and Rockerbox Bring TV Data & Analytics to Marketing Attribution

We're excited to announce our partnership with Rockerbox, a marketing attribution provider.

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